Error in profile file: %stThe profile "%s" was imported, but it could not be converted to the current version. You should delete this profile.%Unable to import profile "%0:s": %1:sInvalid profile file: %sInvalid profile file: %s8There were no registry settings file for the profile: %s?The profile file (%s) does not contain a registry setting file. (unknown)8Cannot open the list file (%0:s). Exception raised: %1:sLAn exception was raised reading the list file (%0:s). Exception raised: %1:s:Cannot create the list file (%0:s). Exception raised: %1:sOAn exception was raised writing to the list file (%0:s). Exception raised: %1:s6Error clearing archive attribute: Not supported on FTPCannot change directory:
%sFailed to create directory: %s3Failed to delete directory: %0:s